CARB to Consider Adopting SNAP’s HFC Bans

In a recent post on they state:

In reaction to appeals court ruling, a public workshop on Oct. 24 will look at continuing EPA’s HFC delistings for stationary refrigeration and air conditioning end uses in California.

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) will hold a public workshop on October 24 to discuss beginning a rulemaking process to adopt into state regulations the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) Rule prohibitions of HFCs in stationary refrigeration and air conditioning end uses.

The workshop will also further evaluate the proposed HFC mitigation strategies identified in CARB’s adopted Short-Lived Climate Pollutant (SLCP) Strategy for potential future rulemakings.

The rulemaking to adopt the SNAP program’s bans on HFCs is in response to a U.S. Court of Appeals 2-1 panel ruling on August 8 that the EPA cannot require companies to replace HFCs designated for HVAC&R equipment with low-GWP substances under the SNAP program.

“Although CARB is actively defending these [SNAP rules] in court, and believes that the federal program is the preferred path to achieve these reductions, it must consider state law alternatives as well in order to reach state [HFC] reduction targets,” said CARB

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