India, China, Brazil Kill HFC Phaseout Discussion

Montreal  Protocol  Discussions  on  HFC  Stalled

Montreal  Protocol  negotiations  were  held  in Bangkok  on  July  26th.    One  topic  of  discussion was  the  phaseout  of  greenhouse  (GHGs), specifically  HFCs.    India,  China  and  Brazil  have reversed  their  earlier  position  stated  in  last  month’s Rio+20  Declaration  -­       “We  recognize  that  the  phase-­out  of  ozone-­ depleting  substances  is  resulting  in  a  rapid

increase  in  the  use  and  release  of  high  global-­warming  potential hydrofluorocarbons  to  the  environment.  We  support  a  gradual  phase-­ down  in  the  consumption  and  production  of  hydrofluorocarbons.”

Brazil,  China  and  India  continue  to  insist  that  any  action  to  address  HFCs be  undertaken  by  the  UNFCCC  (United  Nations  Framework  Convention  on Climate  Change).    The  UNFCCC  is  not  expected  to  implement  a globalclimate  treaty  until  2020.    Currently,  the  UNFCCC  has  no  authority over  the  production  and  consumption  of  HFCs  or  any  other  greenhouse gas.    It  is  interesting  to  note  that  India,  China  and  Brazil  have  been  actively blocking  discussions  on  HFCs  at  the  UNFCCC  as  well.

Full  press  release  may  be  found  at  PR  Newswire  -­  

Montreal Protocol’s North American Proposal

Reductions  in  HFC  production  by  2024

Delegates  to  the  Montreal  Protocol  met  on July  23-­27  at  a  Meeting  of  the  Montreal   Open-­Ended  Working  Group  (OEWG).  Significant  progress  was  made  on  a  prop amendment  to  phase  out  HFC  refrigerant summary  of  the  North  American  propo amendment:

  • T argets  21  HFC  and  2  HFO  refrigerants
  • Gradual  phasedown  (with  a  plateau)  as  opposed  to  a  phaseo an  alterative  refrigerant  may  not  exist  for  every  HFC  on  the  m
  • Reduction  in  consumption  and  production  of  listed  refriger according  to  the  following  schedule-­  20%  in  2024;  40% in  2034;  85%  in  2043
  • Baseline  for  developed  countries  is  calculated  as  HFC  and  85 consumption  and  production  averages  during  years  2005  thro
  • License  required  for  importing  and  exporting  HFC  refrigerants

The  Meeting  of  the  Parties  to  the  Montreal  Protocol  will  take  place  in   November  12-­16.

APR Supply Sets the Bar High!

Congratulations  to  APR  Supply.

Earlier  this  week,  APR  Supply  set the  single  day  recovered  R-­22 record  on  the  DynaCycle  Program.

Steve  Hampton  of  Rapid  Recovery  handled  89  cylinders  and  over 1900  lbs  of  R-­22.    One  of  the  factors  that  got  the  gas  count  so  high was  the  fact  that  50%  of  the  recovery  cylinders  were  DyanCycle synthetic  cylinders.    With  an  average  of  33  lbs.  per  cylinder  versus  17 for  steel  cylinders  the  amount  of  gas  adds  up  quickly.

Another  interesting  component  of  this  record  was  that  100%  of  the gas  earned  payment  for  the  contractors  who  recovered  it.    There  was not  a  drop  of  mixed  gas  in  the  nearly  one  ton  of  refrigerant.    That  is  a testament  to  APR  Supply,  their  customers  and  DynaCyle’s  two-­tier payment  program  that  pays  for  R-­22  from  97-­100%  pure  as  well  as  R-­ 22  that  is  90-­96.9%  pure.

Great  job  to  all  involved!

Another Happy DynaCycle Cylinder Customer

Cylinder  Design Saves  Time  &  Money

 “Today  I  received  a  call  from  Randy  in  the Billings  branch.  His  customer  Chris  with  Empire Heating  &  Cooling  reported  back  that  the  new recovery  cylinder  is  faster.  He  said  a  recovery job  that  used  to  take  them  1  1/2  -­  2  hour  took only  45  minutes!  He  is  so  pleased  that  he  has now  purchased  another  cylinder  because  the time  saved  reclaiming  saves  him  more  money  in labor  than  the  cost  of  the  cylinder.”

 -­Dave  Thomas,  Service  Parts  Director  at  GENSCO