The United States and India: Enduring Global Partners in the 21st Century

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June 7th in Washington, DC President Obama and Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India, in their third bilateral summit, released a joint statement entitled  “The United States and India: Enduring Global Partners in the 21st Century.”

“They pledged to pursue new opportunities to bolster economic growth and sustainable development, promote peace and security at home and around the world, strengthen inclusive, democratic governance and respect for universal human rights, and provide global leadership on issues of shared interest.”

In addition, the statement includes the following language on HFC management:

“…the two countries resolved to work to adopt an HFC amendment in 2016 with increased financial support from donor countries to the Multilateral Fund to help developing countries with implementation, and an ambitious phase down schedule, under the Montreal Protocol pursuant to the Dubai Pathway.”

Click here to read full text.


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