Reductions in HFC production by 2024
Delegates to the Montreal Protocol met in Bangkok July 23-27 at a Meeting of the Montreal Protocol Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG). No significant progress was made on a proposed amendment to phase out HFC refrigerants. Here is a summary of the North American proposed amendment:
- Targets 21 HFC and 2 HFO refrigerants
- Gradual phasedown (with a plateau) as opposed to a phaseout because an alterative refrigerant may not exist for every HFC on the market today
- Reduction in consumption and production of listed refrigerants according to the following schedule- 20% in 2024; 40% in 2029; 60% in 2034; 85% in 2043
- Baseline for developed countries is calculated as HFC and 85% of HCFC consumption and production averages during years 2005 through 2008
- License required for importing and exporting HFC refrigerants
The Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol will take place in Geneva November 12-16.