Climate Changes has been big news – Here we have two articles from the Washington Post on Climate Science Reports.
These articles as well as other news pieces, puts us in remembrance of the mid-1980s when the science on the ozone depletion issue changed dramatically, first in 1985 when the scientists added actual CFC growth rates to the models instead of steady state emissions, and second, in 1987 with the discovery of the Antarctic ozone hole.
The reason for the need to monitor these latest reports is that scientific pronouncements of “worse than projected” scenarios may ultimately become drivers in the policy world. This could have a direct impact on the HFC discussions if the resulting effect is to seek more aggressive measures more quickly. Because of their inclusion in the short-lived climate pollutants (SLCP) category, these compounds have a shorter atmospheric lifetime and therefore produce a larger relative near-term benefit from emission reduction efforts.
Read Washington Post’s Article here;
We had all better hope these scientists are wrong about the planet’s future – 3/22/16
Scientists say Antarctic melting could double sea level rise. Here’s what that looks like. – 3/31/16