New HFC Import And Use Controls Are In Effect In Venezuela

As of July 1, 2015, new HFC import and use controls are in effect in Venezuela.


The Ministry of Ecosocialism and Water has issued new rules on the control, management and import of HFCs.
 The rule includes the following:
  • Importers of pure HFCs or blends must have an up-to-date hazardous substances importer’s permit, which is to be renewed annually.
  • The rule contains provisions to prevent the refilling of disposable cylinders.
  • It requires distributors and servicing contractors to be registered with the named Ministry.  Those entities are required to maintain records of purchases and sales.
  • Servicing contractors are required to use proper equipment to recover, recycle and prevent leaks of HFCs and be trained in proper refrigerant management.
The rule concludes with an annex listing the compounds which are affected by its provisions.
Here is the attached notice from the Official Gazette… It is in Spanish but we wanted to make sure we made it available to you.

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